Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How To Make A Cloth Hamper

PEC_1 What is a portfolio and what we assumed as apprentices

Portfolio is according to the Royal Academy English Language, " handbag for carrying books, papers, etc ." While this term has been imported from the Anglo-Saxon context "Portfolio Assessment " which could translate as " evaluation folder" or "portfolio process" which could amount to " learning folder . " Thus, we can understand it as a technique for the collection, compilation, directory and library skills and evidence that train professionals for professional development.

As apprentices guess you could say that the use of this tool should be based on critical reflective thinking about teaching and learning experience that we are living in order to make sense of the practical test taken.

Thus, this tool will be used to: Assess
  • teaching practice as a dialogical learning experience and comprehensive training that enables the development of communication skills, cognitive, socio-affective and ethical-moral. Enable
  • processes of self-reflection and self-criticism about the weaknesses, problems, progress and achievements of each participant in this course.
  • Develop written communication skills through the different contributions in the portfolio.


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