Sunday, January 23, 2011

Inspiron 1525 Drivers Sd

Angela Pire:
She looked frightened, and key my eyes on these two. Alec was on my right, seemed to be making a superhuman effort to pretend that he was calm, though his eyes betrayed her nervousness about the sentía. Erick, por el contrario, se encontraba a mi izquierda. Se frotaba las manos con fuerza, y sus ojos miraban de un lado a otro sin parar. Porque a él le daba igual si Alec notaba que estaba nervioso. No le importaba mostrar lo que sentía.
Me di cuenta de ellos eran completamente contrarios en ese tema. Uno tan extrovertido y el otro tan reservado. Pero pensando un poco más, fui consciente de que esa no era su única diferencia. Eran simplemente opuestos, y cada uno tremendamente encantador a su manera. Alec era tierno, frio, sagaz, y muy inteligente. Y Erick era muy pasional, impulsivo, divertido, y muy cariñoso. Si se fusionaran en uno solo lograrían hacer el chico perfecto, con el equilibrio idóneo en absolutamente everything. But unfortunately for me, Alec and Eric were two different people, two people who now suffer because I was not able to make a decision.
I closed my eyes as she inhaled a deep breath, hoping that he could soothe my mind. What would I do? I loved my two ... Alec ... and Erick. But they were both so very perfect! Although Alec had done much harm me ... but then he traveled around the world to explain himself, and looked completely unrepentant. And Erick, I had lost my sister, yes, but I was comforted and understood when no one else had done. Both were equally important for me, it was so hard for me to say or do something he knew would hurt any of them both. Alec chose Yes, lost to Eric, and vice versa. And I could never forgive me. Never.
Then I stood up. Should accept this, it was my responsibility.
- I want to be alone ... - muttered, softly.
- Angela, please. I need to know ... - Alec mumbled, and for the first time in my life, listen to your voice with an uncertain tone.
- Angela, do not listen. After everything you did, you can not trust ...
- This is not your business, - Erick interrupted Alec, - I told the whole truth, and you may want me back.
- She does not want that, "said Erick.
- That you do not know, would he have given a chance to say? - Alec scathing wonder, then relax and turned his gaze to me.
- is that ... I do not know, "I said simply.
- Angela, remember everything you have done. Everything you spent, you can not forget that. You know I love you, you know you could never anyone in front of you. Please tell me you stay with me ... - I beg Erick.
And every time I felt worse due to my lack of ability to make decisions. He knew who he wanted in the background, but no words came out of my mouth. I was afraid to hurt him, because he was someone I wanted to much.
- is what I did, Erick. I know it was horrible, and it was a scoundrel. But try to hate him remembering things past is not good, "I said. And Erick
under the eyes, absorbing and capturing what you just said.
- You're right, "said sorry - but you know that I just want the best for you. You know how much I care, and accept your decision.
- I also ... - Alec commented, - accept what I say without replicas.
Snort. Why the two had to be so stupidly charming now that I just wanted to clarify things?
- I ... - stutter, knowing what would mark my life forever - I think
But that ... I was not able to say it out loud. I sighed heavily and walked looking down until it reaches him. Surround him with arms and support my forehead on his chest. I did not want to see the reaction of Alec. Eric noticed her arms around me, squeezing me tight and loose and sigh of relief.
The minutes passed.
not know why he had done. Know the reason why Erick had caught. But it was something he had learned of a sudden. This might be more reserved and cautious and not let things that I had damaged the recurrence. Although this did not mean his feelings for Alec had changed the least. She was convinced that hurt me more than my hurt him my decision. But the best thing for me at least. For once in my life would be selfish, and I never regret it. Because the decision was made, and there was no way to step back. Erick
I left to look at Alec, and then I froze.
Her features were tense, and his mouth into a circle print what he said. Her fists clenched, staring. I cracked open the lips, but my words will not come out until a few seconds later.
- Alec ... I'm so sorry, "he murmured, and he turned his eyes suddenly dark, till drilled mine.
I shrunk.
- No ... I said I accept your decision. And as much as it hurts, you've chosen him. Do not blame you ... actually, you did the sensible thing. I love you but, I want you happy, and apparently, Erick is the only one who can offer that. I hope you are very happy Angela. I'm sorry I caused so much harm in the past, but never ever been on purpose. All the best ... - Alec said, and I was stunned.
Never in my life seen him talk like that. Her voice could not be described, it was just the most eco of spiritual pain. And every word was killing me with that tone. He was doing much damage, and then all, did not deserve it.
- No ... Alec, you ... - try to whisper, while a riot of thoughts and a slight feeling of regret my mind.
- Goodbye, Alec whispered, before turning around and getting lost among the trees. Going off like a gentleman, you know pull out in time.
I felt a lump in the throat, which prevented me from answering. Although I do not think it was too important. Alec was gone forever. Erick
Look into his eyes, and I could see glistening with a mixture of relief and resentment. After all, Alec had behaved well. I sighed heavily and swallow saliva. Why doing the right thing made me feel so wrong?
- it's all over ... - Eric whispered as I stroked her cheek with his fingers.
- I feel sick "I said, and he gave me a kiss on the forehead.
- I know ... but be quiet. He'll be fine, and we.
I clenched my fists and closed my eyes while listening whenever Alec steps away more quickly. Alec Volturi
My mind was in complete shock. Was unable to process or believe anything he had to spend a few minutes before the clearing. Was this real? Angela had left with another. I had forgiven him, but had found another person who would give everything I wanted give, and that made me writhe in pain and envy. Was not that what you wanted from the beginning, how to be happy? Yes of course. But me!
I would have loved to stay longer with her, but to leave had been the best. I would not have been able to hold my pain and my anger much more, and went off. Everything would have ended in a fight aggressively, and Erick could not have been just the only one hurt. Angela. My little angel. I had left.
It hurt to lose, yeah, a lot. More than anything in my life. But he must accept the consequences of my actions. I needed it back, but my brain prevented my heart to continue this momentum. I will never forgive her to suffer again for something caused by me.
The same vacuum and the same cold that had flooded my heart forever, until the known, flooded my heart again. Nothing made sense without it. This did not deserve to be cursed existence there. Sigh. I wanted to die! All
again be as before. The Alec empty, dry and unscrupulous had returned. Psychoanalgesia that my feelings would be the only thing I would be able to cope, rather endure their loss. Alec Volturi
had returned, and Angela, just be a blur most in its history, try self-convinced. While, under every This, he knew perfectly well that Angela would forget a mission impossible, especially given my current mental chaotic stake.

[...] Nearby, in a white-walled house, all family members were gathered in a small room with a fireplace that reflects heat around the room ...
- I can not believe ... more I try, I can not accept it ... - sob the girl with dark hair, which at that time was still resting on the lap of EMI.
All those gathered sighed. None of them understood and believed that was what was happening. What Samara had told them not had neither head nor tail. Moreover, some doubted whether it was nothing more than a troll. But after seeing her sobbing, consumed by grief, were aware that there was nothing funny, and even less of a joke.
- Quiet baby ... - Emi said, while stroking her hair, - We are here.
- do not understand. How could that happen? - Asked Oliver. Samara
gave a sharp yelp before answering.
- do not know. Volturi that told me he had seen Eric and me ... - but his voice was cut off suddenly. Thought more in her response, and continued coldly, - Angela ... Erick and Angela kissing in the woods. After all the pieces fell into place. Both admitted that they were seeing in secret, and ... I lost my nerve. When you try to attack her, for revenge, Alec and Eric got in the middle. After I left there, and now everyone has gone home.
- Still ... the reasons are unclear. Why did? - Elliot questioned.
- And I know! - Cry Samara - They're traitors. Both! After what I did for them, they had no right to deceive.
- They had to face, "agreed Jeremy, seriously.
- Yes, "said Bonnie, who seemed the most surprised.
- I told you we could not trust them, "added Jeremy, his voice hard, looking to the clan leader, - I told that girl killer was not good for our group, yet accepted it. Look what we got! Which was a member of the clan and also shred our beloved Samara.
- I understand what you say, Jeremy, however, Erick was aware and participate in the decision to cheat Samara. He was someone we trusted. Not all the blame has been that girl, "said Oliver. He was not willing to bear all the blame for her niece had been betrayed.
- Do not defend! - Cry Samara, standing up.
- Quiet ... - whisper EMI.
- Sorry, niece. But we can not do otherwise.
- I kill! Sure are still around here ... - mumbled, cold.
- Do not say crap, "said Oliver, - We will not kill anyone. Are free to leave if they wish.
- Although they have not done that? - Asked Jeremy.
- Yes, "replied the leader, flatly.
Samara's eyes narrowed. Even now he could not, one day carry out his revenge. Was clear that things would not be so. It would take away the facade of good girl and make them pass the hell they were doing live. Iban to know the authentic Samara Pire. Moreover, he knew how. There was something that only she knew about Eric. Something that could change everything. Something that would make Angela never saw him again as usual. And I was convinced that someday it would use that knowledge. Someday.
[...] Angela

had already spent almost an hour since Alec was gone. Erick had been hugging me since then, without moving an inch. Still so as not to disturb my peace. Had passed through my head a host of things. Most related to Alec, but also with my future. He was aware that we could not return home to the Pire. What do we do? Where do we go? A feeling of insecurity and Fear swept over me completely. Sob.
- What can we do, Erick ?...- ask, and he approached even closer to him.
- I do not know ... - answered.
And that made me feel any safer.
- Oh ... - was my answer.
- Clearly we can not return ... - commented, while looking for a solution - and I do not think we are welcome in this land. You'd better fencing us here, as far as possible.
- Where? - Ask.
- North-hesitant reply, - In a deserted place or a little sunshine in Canada and the United States. Back to Europe is not advisable-wise than by Alec said, - and Asia and Oceania are far.
- What do we do when we get there? - Argue.
- just live ... - whisper, with a wry smile on his lips.
- You're right. We must leave now.
- Yes, the sooner the better, "he said - I do not think Pire come for us, but better safe than sorry.
- Yes, "answered nodding.
And we both lost among the trees. Without knowing where we were or we were going to do. Together. That was all we had after all. To each other.

ran throughout that night and the next day, and only halted when night had fallen. We were too slow and that we should not draw attention, and we had only managed to reach the lower border of Mexico. Moreover, it had to add the rest to recharge forces with animal blood.
I did not understand too well the English, and it was Eric who was in charge of communicating with the people there.
certain point, when Erick and I were walking quickly through a crowded city, it stopped, took my hands and I look into your eyes.
- How about if we rest somewhere? - Wonder.
- Are you tired? - I missed, and denied smiling.
- No, of course not. But I thought that maybe ... you like to take a shower and off for a while.
- Yes! - Answered more animated. That if it was a good plan.
- I knew you'd want, "I say radiant.
- Come on ... I replied in a whisper.
then both walked to a hotel. The clerk looked at us while Erick was responsible for booking the room. From her perspective this human, if that was unheard of to see two young men renting a suit. But do not give importance.
Minutes later we went to the room. Eric opened the door with the small key and they entered. It was a modest room, that only possessed the necessary amenities, but it was still enough for both. Cerré la puerta tras de mí y entonces nos quedamos en silencio. Segundos después, Erick se giro para verme.
- ¿Entras tu primero al baño?- pregunto educadamente.
- No, mejor entra tú. Prefiero descansar un rato primero…- respondí, señalando la estantería de libros variados que había en un rincón.
- ¿Estas segura? No me importa esperar- reprendió de nuevo.
- No claro que no. Entre tu.
- Está bien- respondió con una pequeña sonrisa.
Yo camine hasta la cama y me senté en la esquina. Mientras, Erick entro en el baño y encendió el grifo. Escuche el agua bajar relajadamente y me arrepentí de haberle cedido el primer turno. Salió Bathroom and without notice, began to get the shirt, until the entire suit had gone through his neck, then shot one of the sofas.
enbobada stay I could not help looking at him a few seconds. Sumamanete Erick was so handsome. Unfortunately, when I wanted to hide, it was too late. Erick had caught me watching him and had a mischievous smile etched on his face.
cleared his throat and watch the ground, trying to do that I had not noticed. Although of course, that does not avail me.
- What looked, Angela? - Ask the fun.
- emmm ... me ... Nothing repondi, looking up into his face directly.
- As Good ... - repondio him and stepped toward me. And again, it was able to avoid spending all my eyes for its body .- I think if you looked something.
- What if?, "What?" - Asked, pulling up and giving the face without help but smile.
- I looked at myself because I have removed the shirt, "replied, laughing.
- Lie.
- Truth.
- Lie.
- Truth.
Both laugh. He moved closer and placed his hands on my waist, then smiled and pulled me closer to him in his arms. And I will cut my breath.
- admits that watching me because I had no shirt, "he demanded.
- Never.
- do not - ask.
- No-answer.
- Then I'll oblige ...
- What? - Asked alarmed.
- to be bad ... - responded with malice, and gave me a kiss after another on the cheek.
- I still say I was not looking ...
- Angela, "he gasped as her lips were pressed on my face.
- No! - Scream.
- Okay, you asked "I say.
left me with great agility and grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it up quickly. I had time to react, and when next thing I knew, I was in the same situation as him. Bare-chested, with the exception of the fastener.
- Hey - reproach, covering me with hands.
- I told you it would be bad ... - muttered, and again closer to him.
His hands traveled all over my back and made me smile.
- I thought you were going to shower? - Whispered, placing my hands on your abs.
- Well ... is that showering is boring.
- clear already replied.
- Why do not you take a shower with me? - Wonder rogue.
- What? - Answered surprised and pleased.
- You know ... to kill two paid with one stone, save water ... - he said, but it silenced when my lips pressed hers.
I took my mouth to his ear.
- O to make love ... - I whispered, and felt a chill.
- Also, "I said laughing.
And I will not respond again, because he started kissing me fiercely. Continued to do until we get to the bathroom. The steam formed by water had tarnished the crystals and that the environment was too full of heat. It was for this reason that the rest of our clothing was not long before reaching the ground.
With a bit of awkwardness, we both got into the shower, naked, and the water I soak the whole body. Eric's kisses were even better in the water, and the feeling of his hands over my body, accompanied by hot water multiply the pleasure.
Then the two embraced, we show what we wanted at that time. With no one else. Only Eric and me. Forever.

**************************** Hola!
know it is a cap. Contite, but did not give me more time.
XD Hope you like lies, I was not sure how.
and are not paid attention to the survey, but ... ALL THE TIME! =) Leave comments
seriously, encouraged me a lot ... yes? ^ ^
The more is, but continuous climb. Or maybe years of the odd surprise ... jijiji Be good!
Thanks for reading!
♥ PS: I remember that on January 26th is the birthday of Cameron Bright, our dear Alec. And also is my saint's day! Santa Paula! =)
Glitter Words
[ - * Glitter Words *]

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Does Recordings Count As Ratings

Angela Pire:
Erick felt hands sliding down my back. They came to my waist and stood there, clutching my waist tightly. His lips pressed to mine for a few seconds, while our troubled breathing mingled with the sounds of that wild forest. More forcefully squeezed the neck of his shirt to get even closer to him, and then, laid my hands on his neck. I felt his breath on my ear when she separated from me slightly and drag his lips to my neck.
- Angela ... it's time. We must return, "I whisper breathlessly.
- Already? - I asked, still confused and stunned by the intensity of the kiss.
- Yes, Angela. Ya ... - answered smiling.
gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before standing up, then held out his hand so he could get up too. I shook hands with his pants a few times. Trunk that had been sitting where I had filled the wooden notches pants and a log. When at last he was clean, I look at it.
- It happened to me very soon, "I said with a touch of nostalgia.
- I know. I am aware that kiss very well, and I am also very attractive, "said, laughing.
- You are a narcissist! - Reproach him, approaching him.
- You can ... - she said, and raised his hand to my face. I caress my cheek a few times while I watched with tenderness, - But we both know that I have reason to be.
- already clear ... as you say, Mr. Perfection "I said, I tried to serious.
- Do not get mad ... - beg sappy voice as I held her, doing to support my head on his shoulder, - know that the only perfect thing here is you.
- Erick ... - mumble, looking into his eyes. Hers were bright, and a small smile crept across his lips, - Tell, Do not you ever been told that lying is wrong?
- not lying! - Me, complaining, and this time it was me who laughed.
- Let ... go home, okay? - Ask, and shook his head.
- Great plan to get rid of my replica-mumbled, touching his chin.
- I know said, and both smiled.
He took my hand and started to wander around the exotic weeds that surrounded us.
It was about ten days we had repeated the same action every afternoon, just as the sun sets on the horizon in. Wanted to be together, but the house was impossible. Too many people: EMI, Bonnie, Elliot, Jeremy Oliver and let us have no privacy. Not to mention
to Samara. He was always running around me or Erick, and that makes things a lot. I think what I found hardest was to see Erick kissing my sister. I felt an uncontrollable rage, but I quickly contained, waiting for his promise not to sleep together even continue in full force. We also had to make something not too flashy. Erick
further squeezed my hand when we reached the half way.
was totally happy, sunk in a state full of satisfaction. Erick filled me inside and I complement each other perfectly. I used to joke in my head saying it was a kind of mixture of Gio and Alec. The ideal balance gets both. And that was wonderful. Alec made me forget every second spent with him. Entrusted to him everything that had happened to my ex-boyfriend, omitting details, and Erick I had understood from the beginning. Now I could say the name of Alec aloud without my throat burn pure pain. Not to mention that the young Vulturi remained less time each day in my head until I had almost forgotten all about it. Now I had to Erick. And we were together in our bizarre but pleasant relationship.
fool knew my sister was not at all well. She I had taken into his house and had placed their trust and faith in me and what I did was to look at the back of her boyfriend. Of course I was being selfish, but my constant state of relief and happiness I was stunned, and stopped me torture myself with that thought. Erick seen as suffering because of mind as well. And I wondered if it was because he still had feelings for Samara. Try to kick it, because if they kill me nerves. Erick seemed unwilling to leave, and I shared the idea with him in full. That cut alone would bring us problems, although he hoped that sooner or later Eric and I could be together without anyone or anything we never separated. For now, you should accept jealousy.
Meanwhile, Samara no signs that seemed to suspect anything was happening. My outlets for fighters and daily visits to the cemetery of Erick did not call attention, because everyone thought that we still hated. He hoped that our cover would last more.
Our house is imposed on us. The orange light of sunset reflected in windows, and stained the white facade of warm colors like the sun. Eric put his arm around me and sighed heavily. I rested my head on his shoulder, and savor the aroma again.
- Spend your first. I will go in minutes ... - said, following the caution that we had every day before.
- Okay, I said, I stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the lips.
both smile and I got out of the woods. Walk to the back door and opened it slowly. Jeremy, Elliot, and Samara were sitting in the parlor by the fireplace. I figured that others would come, or be busy doing who knows what in another room of the house. My sister and I smiled and Jeremy Elliot, meanwhile, just gave me a look poisoned. Seconds later, he got up off the couch.
- I have to go, "he said bitterly, before you rush out the door.
knew he had been for me, but I was so used to rejection, this, and did not bother me at all. Had lost hope that he and I could get along some day.
- Hey sister! - Samara greeted me smiling.
- Hello, "I replied, trying to get my voice did not tremble. His presence made me nervous.
- How are you going? It seems that more and better assimilate animal blood-wonder.
I look into your eyes, as had been evaluating my game. Now his color was as golden as the rest, and shone most of the time amber. Human blood was history for me.
- Yes, it is becoming easier ... - answered. Each kind word from my sister killed me a little inside. If she knew!
- Good.
- Thanks, "I replied. Both
At the same time, the figure of someone is reflected in the doorway. I knew who was from the start, but Samara was quicker to react.
- Erick, love! - She mumbled as she jumped off the couch and threw himself into the arms of the boy. I clenched my fists
discreetly. Again, these cursed jealousy.
- Hi Samara, "he said happily. O was a very good actor, or actually was glad to see it. I squinted, - Hi Angela, "he added, looking at me as if I did not see me for a long time. It was brilliant.
- Hello "I answered.
- How about ... on your way out? - she asked, not knowing how to refer to his visit to the cemetery.
- Very well, "said the aforementioned, smiling mischievously. And I was the only one who knew the second meaning that hid those words.
- Great! - My sister said, beaming.
He put his arms around his neck and kissed him, enjoying and laughing like a kid. He cleared his throat, but neither case did me the least. I got up, and before leaving the room, lost in a rage of jealousy incredible, I got to see Erick eyes open, while Samara kissed confusing, I apologized a thousand times. Alec Volturi
closed my eyes, trying to concentrate on their odor. The delicious aroma of Angela was minimally detectable at the airport in Brazil. Could only be found if you are looking for, and had finally found him. Task brings nearly a week searching all over the country, until finally I decided that it was more logical that the trail was through areas where there was some air terminal. Angela would not risk to go swimming as I had done. It was too unsafe.
Without losing the second I started to follow their trail. It cost me too much, because even remembered how she smelled perfectly. And missed.
could not help thinking it would be like our reunion. Sure, it would be petrified, or would run. I had to hurry if he wanted to explain everything before they get nervous and aggressive. Should prepare something. Although two words summed up everything he felt "sorry."
I wondered what was the reason he had chosen Brazil as their new place of residence. Does she speak Portuguese? No, I knew not. Although that was not the most important moments.
The trail grew stronger from a place called Porto Velho. Had finally reached my destination.
was aware that he did not deserve his forgiveness. What she had seen had been horrible, and probably could not imagine never had felt Angela when we had caught to Alessia and I doing ... that.
What I did not imagine is that soon meet a similar feeling. And it would not be pleasant. Angela
taken lying in bed for hours. After that show of kissing between Samara and Erick did not feel like anything. I could not help relating it to what I had seen that night, before I go to Volterra. I closed my eyes tight. Why was all so very complicated? Then my door opened. He had been so engrossed that I had not realized someone was approaching. And that someone was peculiar is sufficient for me.
- Angela? - Erick asked me, poking his head through the doorway.
I lean forward just confused me. What was he doing here?
- Erick? What are you doing here ...
- Now is the time of your hunt, "said wryly. And I look confused out.
new orange light bathing the whole place. They had spent more hours than I had thought. A whole day! Well, I guess when you give to things around you and things happen. Then something came to my mind, and made me stiff.
- Why do not you go to Samara? - Asked sarcastically, as I lay back and turned to give back - Insurance you pass it very well.
- Argh! - Said the panting, - Again with that Angela is not, as we have discussed many times ... - I beg approaching me.
I felt like the bed sank and I knew that was sitting next to me.
- For many times I explain it will be just as painful for me-reproach.
- For me it is nothing nice, you know - he said, quietly.
- Oh! Well ... you can not imagine what it's like to see Samara kissing or making cuddle!, Have no idea! - Shout, and Erick's hand rested on my belly.
- Angela ... trust me it is much harder see you suffer for something I do. Because I do not enjoy doing ...
- Yes, of course, kissing Samara is an ordeal for you, rebuke him.
- Well if Angela! How would you feel if you had to kiss Elliot and Jeremy just so no one would suspect? - Asked wearily.
- I ... - I went to respond, but had no answer for that.
few uncomfortable seconds passed in silence.
- You have to trust me. I love you, and Samara will be temporary, I promise, "argument, and I turned to see him.
He sat on the edge of the bed. His hands together, and his face showed me he was thinking of something serious.
- So ... you have not slept with? - Ask, being aware of jealous rage that had just passed the poor Erick. He had too much patience with me.
- No, of course not. I said I would do anything not to, and I am keeping my promise.
- What you say as an excuse? - I wanted to find out.
- I'm telling you I'm weird because of my mother. And when he wants us to start telling the way I feel. Finally all the sex you forget. Although I do not think my excuse to take a lot more ... - answered, and this part was more for him than for me. Erick
leaned over and gave me a short kiss on the lips, which was enough for me to get nervous. Even we were home! And they were all down. And although he believed he was gone for a while, they could catch us if we were not too conservative.
- Sorry about my jealous rage ... - I whispered, and put a hand on his cheek.
- Never mind, answered, smiling, - "Now are we going?
- Yes! - Animated answer.
I took my hand and both jumped out the window. I wanted to be with him. To kiss and make up for all what we had done. And although we could not go to bed, because the forest was difficult, I would give everything I could. A few minutes later we arrived at the course where he always spent the evenings.
But this time, the passion not let us realize something important. Something that would change all our lives today. Alec Volturi
wore winding through a forest wilderness for almost two hours. Angela's aroma was everywhere, and blended with tropical forest smells. I did not care what lead me to find her, however was quite sure it was close. I felt ... I could feel his presence!
then came to my ears sounds a little odd. They were panting and ... Whining? Sharpen the ear a little more, and then I recognized that voice instantly. It was Angela. She kept sighing again and again, and who was that accompanying the pregnant seemed harassed. I squinted. Sure that was hurting. No!
I started running in the direction of the noise. Do not let anyone hurt her. Never ever. The sound grew increasingly stronger, and echoed in my ears again and again, so I had to grit my teeth to not growl at things that hurt. He is furious as ever. Then I got to clear where that came from touching bustle.
I stood paralyzed, watching what was happening from behind some trees that allowed me to see everything accurately. At first I could not believe that was what he saw. Everything became ethereal, unreal, and time stopped for me. Angela was not being attacked, let alone was causing any harm. That blond curly-haired boy touched everywhere shamelessly, and kissed her fiercely, as he dropped a few laughs. They were so engrossed that they did not realize I was staring. Then look more intently at Angela.
was so beautiful as I remembered, and although I could only see her profile, I knew I had not changed at all. She seemed ... happy. Stroking his bare chest while trying to take his shirt as quickly as he could.
What should I do? All this reminded me of that night in the house of Gio. Only that worse. That is certainly not what I expected. I dying absent for weeks while she ... making out with that blond vampire knew that he had nothing to percocharle, but I felt empty now understand how little he had uttered to her.
I stepped back. I needed to calm down. He was too eager to kill that boy. And Angela screaming with jealousy he felt, but was not entitled. Then they both stood up, their faces reflecting a deep aletargarían due to the kiss. He said something that I could not hear with the dulling of my senses, and hand, both left the place.
I gulped. He had come to fix it Right? Well, that would do. When calm was more would follow, and clarify things as soon as possible. Angela
Erick and I were returning home. Kiss Whenever we finished I felt much more sure of myself. While that downturn ended when returning, and he had to make out with my sister again. I sighed when she kissed me goodbye, along with an I love that made me float. Enter
This time the whole family was in the living room fireplace. Everyone greeted me, except for Jeremy. I sat on the side of Samara, which again I wonder about my game. I replied that it had been wonderful, and I felt a little sick to notice the double irony of my words. So I kept quiet. Minutes later, Eric was the one who walk through the door. Samara ran to hug him and, showing everyone her boyfriend. I felt jealous, but less than other times. Everything would end soon, or at least I had promised.
Then he heard a thud. All present vampires looked toward the entrance. Someone was knocking at the door. Vacuum the air like others to see who it was. At first I believed it. This could not be happening to me. I opened my mouth and let out a groan, and all looked at me worried. Oliver closed my eyes as he approached the door watch me while, then slowly opened. His dark silhouette
leave you all surprised, and most of the gold-eyed vampire shrugged about themselves. Did not want him, why did not want to be there? So I looked away and find my sister, who was still in one corner of the room. I looked totally stunned, as if uncertain what to do. And Erick, he seemed more angry than anything else. I guess they both had realized who this guy, and I had done.
- What do you want? - Hard Oliver asked the visitor.
- I want to talk to her, replied, his voice cold as an iceberg ice. That voice that had cost me much to forget. And I pointed out.
I again became the center of attention, and for the first time, Alec's eyes met with mine. He seemed surprised to see my new eye color, but his own expressed something far beyond the purely physical. I was sad. Was all that could be defined.
more time I could not hold his gaze and my eyes fell on the floor. I was not angry as when he had imagined our reunion. I was just locked. I did not know what to do or how to proceed, and did not know their intentions.
- Angela, will you talk to him? - I wonder EMI. Now they were all very serious.
- Yes, "said Samara for me. And when I look Alec got the same face that I gave to her for the first time - Let's clarify things at once. To be able to go, since his visit we are not welcome.
- Samara ... - mumble, and Alec looked at me suddenly.
- Your sister is right. It's the best, Angela, "added Eric.
Alec looked confused and did not know why. But his eyes went from me to Eric and Samara nonstop, as if the sight of them two were embracing something outside the bounds of what the quite understand. And when he gave a little kiss, surprised by getting larger.
- As you wish "I said Alec at last.
- Go away ... - whisper Samara.
- Are you sure? - Bonnie asked seriously.
- Yes, I'll stay Erick and Angela. Do not worry.
And all went out the door without saying anything, while Samara looked at me with eyes asking if he had done well by deciding that for me. But I did not answer anything.
The room was silent for a while, Samara way to get close to me and helped me off the couch, then hug me, and looking to watch poisoned Alec, who seemed lost in thought.
- What do you want? - Samara asked defiantly.
- talk to her, replied, with his usual sarcastic tone.
- You have nothing to talk to her ... - Samara challenged him.
- so I think I replied no, cold.
- Samara, let it. Say what he wants and he leaves, "said Erick, his voice breaking.
- You shut up, "he threatened Alec. And Eric did not follow suit.
- What do you want me? - I asked, with a voice. And Alec looked at me pleadingly.
- Ask for forgiveness, for all, "said Angela.
- Finished? Just that ... - I said.
- No ... I ... Angela, I love you, I need to explain what you saw. It is not anything you can imagine, "he added.
- I have very clear what I saw, Alec. I used, and when you get tired of me decided to humiliate me. I did see ... "it" and broke my heart, "I said.
- not! - Cry.
- So how do you explain that? - Samara said, threateningly.
- Alessia I threatened to kill you and your family. He told me that if I did that you would be safe. No choice ... I'm
- There's always more options ... Alec - whisper, - Could you telling me, and we solved together. Besides ... if so, you liked. You were going well when you slept with Alessia "I said sadly, remembering the scene.
- I made a mistake, I got carried away. I know I'm horrible, and I did wrong. But I was desperate, afraid to lose ...
- From what I served, I cut my sister suddenly.
- Alec, I'm tired of everything. I believe what you say but I can not. I can not ever forget that. What I said was true Volterra. I hate you why I did, whatever the cause-and-answer.
- But Angela was all a mistake. Alessia is dead, comes back to me and I promise never again to pass something.
- Alec ... if you did it once, you will again. You yourself should know. The Volturi do not you give second chances. Madness is always doing the same thing, expecting different results. And I'm not anything crazy, Alec, "I said harshly, and swallowed saliva.
- Mira ... Angela, makes you want to forgive me for that. Please, "I asked.
- not just that Alec ... - said
- What? What else have I done? - Wonder.
- Volturi I know that you killed my mother, and would not be able to return you there. Besides, you have hidden me.
- How did you hear? - Wonder.
- My sister told me.
- Ah ... then. I can not do anything to fix this, but I love you more than anything, never going to believe me ... - he whispered, dejected.
- I ... - I went to respond, undecided.
- Yes, it looks like love ... - Erick replied sarcastically interrupting.
- You shut up you idiot! - Alec cry, stepping forward to push Erick, this, got up and looked at him defiantly.
- the only idiot here is you! - Said Erick, leaving behind Samara.
- I'm no fool, my only thing I care about is that Angela is happy. Your all I want is to stay here to go to the forest and give the lot! - Cry, and I froze. Erick
He also suffered face of that change, step of making an "O" with your mouth and look at the ground. How had he heard that we were together? When!
- What are you talking about? - I ask Samara, confused. Erick and I looked.
- What do I speak? I talk about this stupid. I just saw them kissing in the woods.
sigh ... What were you doing?
- That's impossible! - Cry my sister, - Erick was in the cemetery, and Angela hunting, and above all these days ... - whisper to herself, stopping suddenly. Our
lie had fallen.
- Samara ... - Erick whisper, turning desperate.
But the aforementioned did not respond, was quiet, looking at Alec, who seemed to be aware of what she had caused. My sister looked thoughtful, as if all the pieces of the puzzle have Embedded soon.
- How could you? - Desperate asked Erick. This breathing hard.
- There was no intention, Samara. I wanted to tell you but ... - chatter. My whole world was down.
- No! - Snapper the aforementioned, pushing Erick when approached her with intent to reassure her.
- Samara sorry ... - repeated.
- did not I noticed! Outputs, your unwillingness, mood swings ... and I've been so blind.
- Please ... - beg again.
- I trusted you! - Cry, before pounding his chest, making it recede.
Look Alec, who seemed to be enjoying that sadistic scene.
- Angela! - Cry my sister, looking angry, and I swallow saliva.
- I, sister, I'm really sorry. Do not want to, but it happened and did not know what to do ... - I whispered, afraid.
- You're not my sister! I trusted you, and you've betrayed me-sentence, his voice hard.
- It was not my intention ... - reproach.
- I'll kill you! - Snapper, steaming toward me.
I closed my eyes, waiting to pounce on me, but his growl was extended in the air. Look timidly, and I could see Eric's contained, avoiding the teeth, which gleamed now murderers. She tried to reach me aggressively. Alec was ahead of me, with an air guard and moved from side to side as he did Samara.
I felt horrible. My sister hated me, and I sorry for what he had done. But I wanted to Erick, now risked for me. And Alec ... even though we were no longer walk had come between us. I was confused, and things did not improve when Alec nails her eyes on mine rubies, seeking a response. For a moment his brilliance made me forget everything he had done. And if indeed he was sorry for everything?
- Leave me alone! - Cry Samara, getting rid of Erick, shake clothing - Iros the two with her!, And do not come back! - cry, before running off.
- No ... - I whispered.
- I hate you! - Hear it screaming down the hall, before losing sight.
- No ... please ... - I prayed for myself, desperate. I did not want to lose my sister, - Samara no, forgive me - shouting, running toward the door, intending to follow it, but I stopped.
Look at my arms. I grabbed a different hand each of my limbs. Look first to Alec, who had his hand clutched around my muleca.
- hurt you if you ... - he said, wary.
- He is calm ... then talk to her, "said Erick, and look at it. His hand was in the same position as that of Alec. Look
nothing. This situation was horrible. I wanted to die, or I sink into the earth.
- This is all because of you ... - I whispered, shaking their grips and walking around the room.
- Angela ... - begged the two at a time, and looker among themselves.
- you told You! - Shouted, pointing to Alec, - And you do not have refused! - And this time I mentioned to Eric, - Argh! You are both idiots!
And I ran out of there needed to be alone. And regret. Think of Alec and Eric, and because now I was so full of doubts.
I ran as I could, realizing that both followed me, at high speed. Alec slightly faster due to the force that provided human blood. Finish in the same place where he had been this morning with Erick. I did not want to come. I sat on the trunk, I closed my eyes and covered my face with his hands.
seconds later I heard his footsteps. Both stopped in front of me, in silence, repairing gasped.
knew what was coming now. Would have to decide who wanted more. And unfortunately, had not the slightest idea that he would do.

**************************** Hola! Cortito
chap. no? haha I think it's more Over all, with 7 sheets of Word to size 10!
Hope you like is in the next chapter will be the SECT. I put a encuenta, I hope you to vote and give me your opinion ... PLEASE!
I think the next chapter will be the last, for now. I have to concentrate on my studies for a while, and update it much less often, maybe once a month or so give me time, but of course, the comments ... ejemmm ... will always go up faster.
Leave comments, seriously, I encourage a lot ... yes? ^ ^
The more is, but continuous climb. Or maybe years of the odd surprise ... jijiji Be good!
Thanks for reading!
Paula! ♥
Glitter Words
[ - * Glitter Words *]

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Does Mowry Tia Have In A Weave

Chapter 32 Chapter 31 Chapter 30

Angela Pire:
that had passed since Erick had not left my room. I was too sad to do so, not counting how bad I felt inside because of my evil deeds. Barely a couple of days, but to me I had made eternal. I felt strong going outside, with others. Samara did not want to see, and I could not look at her knowing what was done with her boyfriend. Erick did not need to see, which I had clearly shown the kind of person he was. And others did not want to make me questions about my depressing psychological state. Yes, I knew I lock myself in my room and shut out the world was the most cowardly. But there comes a time when all you find so implausible, that you lose the trial about what is right or wrong. And that makes things in your world lost the importance it had before. My sister had tried to talk to me in a couple of occasions. Samara had knocked on the door and had insisted to let her go, but my answers were always were negative. No one else had tried, and basically, I was thankful. Meaningless explanations not a nice thing. Even
everything moved through my head without any control. Alec, for example. I could not help but think of him when I compared myself to Alessia at all times. She had broken our relationship, and now it was I who had almost caused the break between my sister and her boyfriend. And no, I never do that, however much I liked Eric. And if I wanted to Erick.
now eight o'clock in the afternoon approximately. It was dusk, and a beautiful orange color coming through the window, tinting the room the same color, providing a magical aspect. Not only noises were heard, and that was appreciated. Then someone knocked at the door. Do not hesitate give permission to enter. Not that I would see her, but their presence did not bother me too much.
- Come in, "I said, and the door opened slowly. The delicate face
EMI timid hint the doorway. He smiled slightly before moving completely into the room.
- Hi Angela ... - whisper it, and I nodded.
- Hi Emi ... What you need - ask trying to be nice.
- Veras, we will all go hunting. We wondered if you fancy joining us, "I reply.
- I have really wanted ... I'd rather stay here ... - sentencing.
- for days that you eat. Are you sure you are not thirsty? - comment, concerned.
- No, course not, "I said. Lie.
was very thirsty. My eyes were almost completely black. But I would not be so long without feeling bad Samara. And neither wanted to see Erick.
- Really? - Wonder insecure.
- Yes, really, "answers. She looked me in the eye, he noticed his color, but said nothing.
- Hey ... Angela. If you just do not want to come by Jeremy and Oliver, do not worry. They will not make you go, tell them to stop bothering you ...
- why not! - I rush to answer, interrupting - I just do not feel like I have. Emi really, thank you very much. But I need to be single and thinking.
- As you wish "he said.
- Thank you ... - I thanked him.
- You're welcome ... Take care Angela, "he said before walking out the door, closing it.
not give me time to answer.
sighed. Could withstand the heat of my throat, but not the pain of having betrayed a sister. Being all alone me good. Could leave a little room to airearme. I wanted to take a shower, so I prepare my move and wait a few minutes to make sure that everyone had left the house. Then, when you could not hear any noise, or perceive any scent of vampire out of my room. Crossing the hall where all the rooms and came to the bathroom.
There I undressed and got into the tub. I let the hot water running through my skin a little over half an hour. I really needed. A shower was always relaxing, and I was disconnected from everything. When I left I got dressed and comb. Now I felt much better, and burning in my throat had decreased significantly. After leaving the bathroom picked up, left.
now decline to lounge and read a while, or maybe go on television, although I knew I would not understand almost nothing, as most stations spoke in Portuguese. I crossed the hall again, and without I want it stopped. Look at the door that was absorbed to the right.
All the memories came to my head in a few seconds. I remembered what had happened in that same room two days ago. Erick and I kissing, and Samara appearing. I shook my head and I wondered to myself as I had been able to do something. What was going through my head to behave well? And the answer appeared in my mind with astonishing speed. I was selfish. Others would have hurt me I did not hurt them the right to them. And he did. Erick was history, would never anything between us.
I could not see. I felt so bad I forgot my pass and ran to my room. I closed the door with force, I came to my bed and sat upside down. My musings had a conclusion. And I did not like at all.
Then I heard a noise, but did not move. The door opened slowly while a rumbling in the room groaned. He knew perfectly well who was ...
Alec Volturi:
- are you gonna do ... just leave without further? - Jane asked me upset.
Since Aro had informed that I would go to find Angela had not stopped to hover around me.
- What do you do then? I amend my error, Jane ... - Answered.
- But you have no idea where it can be! This is absurd ... - he said in disgust.
- Demetri told me in Brazil. Can not be more specific. When I got there I will follow his trail and find ... - answer.
- Well I still do not see the sense! Just a girl ... - argument, and I stiffened.
- Jane, Angela is very important to me, "I said, and his name I burn your mouth - I need to see what is right and apologize once again.
- Okay, I understand that's important. But what happened? Because he left as well, Alec ... What did you make? - I ask myself, and I swallowed. Not knowing what to answer.
- Jane's complicated, private plus ... - she snorted angry at my response.
- any way whatsoever. Alessia I'm sure had something to do.
- And so I answered.
took another step toward the door. And Jane looked at me desperately trying to keep me holding my arm.
- Alec! This is stupid. If what he did is so bad ... What makes you think you want to talk to you? - Said.
And I stopped. I knew that Jane was right. She would not talk to me. But I did not stop until I hear. If I had thousands of impediments on the road.
- I do not know how they will react. But sister. May not be in peace until you've done. Or do you want this forever as in recent weeks? - Ask, and she shook her head emphatically.
- You know that.
- Well, this ... Jane is the best I can do. I hope you understand "I said and put my hand on his shoulder. She sighed, and his features relaxed.
- At least let me plead with you ... ".
- Jane No, sorry. But it's something I have to do alone, "I replied calmly.
- Alec ... okay. Do ... - final sentence. And I embrace. She then gave it back.
- Thanks sister ... really, I whispered.
- You're welcome ... you know you can always count on me ... - answer.
I gave him a kiss on her forehead and left the castle determined to find Angela. But what about that time know was what I was going to find ... something I never would have expected. Angela
I closed my eyes and stood perfectly still. Maybe if you must realize that he did not want to see him leave. Because he should not be here! But he did not, I heard the door close, and was still inside the room. I did not want him. But he was too stubborn. At that time their voices heard.
- Angela have to talk, mumble.
And then I turned to see him.

[...] At the same time. With several time zones away, in a house near the Italian capital of Rome ...
- Are you okay? - Hastened to ask Thomas. Camilla
twisted, had been about to fall (again) thanks to one of their now frequent dizziness. The woman straightened up and leaned on her boyfriend, who held her tightly.
- Yeah, baby, I'm fine ... was just a little dizziness ... - he said. Thomas left her sitting on the couch and started walking around the room nervous.
- Are you sure? You have constant dizziness ... - argument, concerned.
- Yes ... Thomas is normal. Pregnancy each time is growing. It's almost two months ... - said Camilla. And Thomas stiffened.
was true that Camilla was pregnant for almost two months, but he had learned a little more than a week. When he had asked for an explanation why she had kept secret, only replied that he did good time considering that Angela, her only daughter had just disappeared. And it was true. There have been a good time. Even now, more than a month after Thomas was very wrong. He missed his daughter and not knowing what had happened inside devoured. In any event, Thomas had imagined the amount of dizziness that Camilla had to hide, and also felt bad about it. In addition, he was not prepared to be a father again. All of his firstborn was too recent. But things were so, and should learn to accept them.
- According ... - answered the man. He sat beside his girlfriend and took her hand. Caress it slowly for a few seconds.
Camilla really hurt him so, and although his only encounter with Angela was not very nice, I missed him as if his own daughter. She does not hide that he liked Thomas, but I knew it was going very badly and would not charge more weight. Then one afternoon he found her vomiting in the bathroom, and when forced to go to the doctor, all his lie collapsed. Having a baby was not being as wonderful as expected, and feared that Thomas would not want as much as his other daughter and died, and only by the circumstances in which the child come into the world. Within a month would know the sex of baby, and within a month will exhaust the limit for abortion. Still no idea what was going to do not know if that baby was good for his life or not, and almost every night valued whether to terminate her pregnancy.
Then look at Thomas, and when his eyes were combined, any doubts are resolved.
[...] Angela

he stood in the middle of the room. His face was serious, but his eyes sparkled, as if now they were happy for the first time in a while. I could not explain why I did it, but I got up and sat on the bed. However, I could not look into his eyes.
- What are you doing here, Eric? You should be with the other hunting ... - I said breathlessly.
He approached me slightly, taking a step.
- I told you we need to talk "he said.
- We do not have to talk about anything, Erick, "I said with a harsh voice, and he further steel to me.
- know that's not true. Angela ... what happened the other day ...
- I know! - I interrupted almost screaming - was a mistake that will not commit. I do not mean anything. Worry no more, I will not say anything to Samara.
- Oh ... - answered the perplexed.
I looked, and felt like his face now had a strange expression in confusion and sadness. What did you get that? Erick hawking and made a gesture of annoyance, after my eyes and nail elusive theirs in the ground.
- Are you okay? - Ask, and then raised his head suddenly. I look five seconds
sat beside me. I did not understand what was happening, so I just waited.
- Angela ... - said nervously - For me ... that if it meant something, something very big ...
- What? - ask shocked.
- You heard me ... I could not stop thinking about you since then ... - answered and started to rub his hands with force.
I had been paralyzed. I was kidding, right?
- I do not know what to say ... I do not think this is a good time to talk about this ...
- No! - Interrupted me - Angela, but I'll go crazy talk. I have to tell you everything that happened since then. Please.
- Vale! But they come at any time, including Samara, I do not want to risk you suspect something, "said worried.
- Do not worry so. Will take some, they will go to a distant forest where there are higher quality pumas. It took hours ... - he said.
- Still ... I still think you should be with them-reproach.
- I told them I wanted to visit the grave of my mother. Not suspect anything. Leave it, just talk, okay? - Beg, and could not help answer that answer.
- Okay ... talk, "he said.
- You see the other day ... when we kiss, we both know that something else would happen ... - comment.
- Yes, "replied embarrassed.
- I ... do not know why. But the other day I felt something I had never felt with your sister. Felt whisper something nice.
- Oh ... - it was my only answer.
- I wanted to Angela, I wanted to get us to the final, "he added quickly.
- Aha ... - I said incredulously.
- But as I've said it was the same for you. So I am being ridiculous, "he added.
- No! - Yell when he made the threat of rising, - For me it was also important. Head has been around for days.
- Oh ... I understand, then what exactly do you feel about me? - Wonder.
- I ... do not know. I also like, although I feel bad for cheating and my sister, does not deserve it.
- No, do not deserve it, I know. But are our feelings and the sooner the better clarify, do not you think? - Said.
- Yes, I agree.
- ... after much thought I've concluded that I love you. I think even more than Samara said, and felt a chill.
- I ... I guess ... but not the right thing, I feel the same about you. Long time no one made me feel this way. You have made me forget ... - and I choke on his name - someone who really hurt me.
- What do you think? - Wonder.
- About what?
- Our location. What should we do - ask.
- Do not think you should leave, "said Samara.
- In this I agree ... - accounted for the boy, - Although I like to be a lot to you ... All this talk
was surreal to me, and my head could not absorb more. Unfortunately people had hoped that I had failed, and that made me unable to return to put my trust in someone with the same ease as before.
- Ok ... tell me everything is fine. But if I'm honest I do not believe.
- Why? - Wonder.
- Now you say you feel something for me. But how do you believe it? When I jumped out of his room told me you loved me and a few seconds after you made love with Samara. How do I like that? - Mumble irritably.
- What did you want to do? - Responded.
- Tell her no! - Scream.
- That would have raised suspicion.
- I do not care! That's not my problem ... - I said, and then we both sat in silence.
- Watch Angela. After how I treated you, I will not ask you to believe me. But I love you-ended.
He stood and let out a deep sigh as he began to walk toward the door. I look hurt, because he was to do that. I closed my eyes and the words escaped my lips as if he had been an involuntary self-reflection.
- I think ... - I whispered.
- What? - he mumbled incredulously, turning around and looking.
- I think I told you, Erick.
He looked at me not believing what he had said. Her lips tried to say something, but they were unable to issue any synod. He approached me and got back to my side, sitting in bed. Its beautiful golden eyes locked on mine, and gleamed with force. I felt a strange sensation, as if my heart will soften a bit to see this tender scene. Environment head and took my hands slowly, while a shy smile crept across his face. This laughter became a faint laugh, which I could not help joining. We looked like two idiots. Then, without me wait He leaned toward me and kissed me.
His lips began to move very slowly, and I surround you with his hands, as he did the same with his strong arms. Kiss me gently for about ten minutes until I could no longer endure. I felt his hand on the edge of my shirt and I was going as slowly taking over. And that does not neglect his kisses made. I did the same, and his shirt just beside mine on the floor. Under his lips and kissed my neck slowly, and I support my hands on his torso. Erick was really strong, much more than Alec and Gio, and that gave me security. Slowly I lie in bed and caress my body up and down, which made me sigh more than once. Finally the remaining our clothing follows the shirts, and then, softly, carry out the other day what we mean.

[...] At the same time. With several hours of time difference in the output of an institute near the Italian capital of Rome ... Two young
walked hand in hand. They were heading to a park where they used to sit daily. Their relationship was not having a good time. About ten minutes later, the two teenagers entered the room. They saw a bank open and then sat on it. The girl sighed and looked away. And I watch the boy concerned.
- What's the matter now, Chloe? - Gio asked as she put a hand on his knee, but the girl suddenly shook.
- Nothing ... - answered the aforementioned annoying.
And it was not true, as well knew Gio. Since they started dating had always had the same discussions. Chloe thought Gio did not want him as he wanted to Angela. And at first had been, but soon after, a week or so of being together Gio had realized how much he loved his girlfriend, and that Angela was already forgotten. Of course that his death had hurt a lot, and I was sure that I would never forget her, but had moved on, and on that page, I was just Chloe.
- Chloe, is what you get. And you have not feel well, you know you're the only one I want ... - the boy whispered sincerely, but Chloe was too stubborn.
- Do not lie. I know you have not forgotten Angela ... - answered the girl
- do not think I did anything for me ... distrust and - whisper Gio, sorry.
- Only you notice me when she ... died ...
- Like You! You left me alone when she died. You might think the same ... - answered the boy.
- I was not his girlfriend! - Chloe cry, and tears invaded her eyes.
- Watch Chloe ... I can not do anything for you to trust me. You are wonderful and I love you. But as I know that will not change the best idea is to go. I have things to do ... - whispered, standing up and starting to walk.
- What things? - The girl asked curiously. Then the Gio
began to mourn. Sobbing her back to his girlfriend, still. She tensed, not knowing what to do. Perhaps he had spent with him. But there was something else.
- My father got divorced yesterday ... I have to go with them to decide the visitation schedule, "said the trembling boy. He had not told anyone before-before they are killed.
- Gio ... - she sobs, feeling sad about the news.
But her boyfriend did not answer.
Chloe got up and walked to her boyfriend. Do not know what to do, just be very unfair to him, and was not sure how to fix it. Without hesitation, he leaned against him and hugged him, resting his head on his shoulder. Gio the rodeo with his arms and his face hidden in her hair, so no one could see his tears.
- I had no idea ... sorry Gio. ... Please forgive me - sob the girl, now also crying.
- No matter ... is that ... - trying to say, but his tongue failed him.
- What happened? Why are they going to secede? - Asked Chloe.
- My father cheated on my mother with a colleague, "said the boy collapsed.
Because that was how he felt. He was silent, not wanting to interfere in your life that, but had not been able to endure this sadness alone.
- Gio ... - said the girl very short.
- Chloe It's okay ... I forgive you ... - he said, and began slowly stroking her hair.
- not that ... is that ... I think. Angela forget everything ... I know he loves me, as I do to you ... - answered her trembling.
And Gio smiled slightly. At least I had someone who understood him.
- Thanks ... - answered.
And both went to that park. At that time only wanted to be alone to prove how much they wanted.
Eric could feel the hand up and down my back, slowly. Support me even more in his chest and gave him a soft kiss on the neck. He smiled. The thing had been very good. Was much better than Alec, but I assumed it was because he alone had done for the first time, and nobody enjoys that occasion too. I felt surprisingly well, considering he had just slept with my sister's boyfriend. It was like a cloud, as if everything were unreal. But Erick's voice made me know that this was no dream.
- We have to dress Angela, coming soon ... - he said, hurrying.
- According ... - answer, and I woke up.
We both put your clothes quickly. When we finished note his hands on my waist, I turn and he hugged me. Came and gave me a quick kiss.
- I love you ... - he said, and smiled.
But I was a little worried.
- I love you Eric, but ... What we do - looked at me puzzled, so I continued, - This has only been a momentary thing, right? Never meet again ... - I thought, looking down.
- Not at all ... I'll be with you, "pointed out, and I pressed against him.
- Are you going to leave Samara? - Ask.
- No ... that would not help us ... - answered pensive.
- So what? You still with her, making love and kissing my sister? ... I believe I can bear it, sob.
- No Angela ... I swear I only kiss the minimum to appear, and now I will invent any excuse for us not to go to bed ... - he said stroking my hair to calm down.
- Really? - Ask.
- I swear ... - answered.
Just then listen to all enter the house, gave me a gentle kiss and smile after rushed out of the room. At that time I was happy, although I did not realize how little it would take to fall with my own lie. ****************************

Hope you like lies, I think been a cap. very interesting. =)
Thanks for the comments, really, I hope that you leave in this one too many, XD and see before I go. Voting in the encuenta
new, right?
Thanks and kisses!
Glitter Words
[ - * Glitter Words *]

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Thank You Subject Emails

Tell me what you want to hear
Something like Those Years That Were
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away

Secrets. (One republic). Angela


Only a week had passed since I had accepted Pire clan. Every day had passed slowly, and I was still trying to assimilate all the information that I had been out of the blue a few days. What my sister and Elisa's infidelity had gone to second place after Samara tell me who had been the cause of the death of my mother. Even I could not believe that Alec had done something like that and I would not have counted. And I refused to admit that I had been together Alec. I hated it with all my being.
Samara told me how he had discovered. A former member of the guard, who had decided to leave imminently Volturi clan, had been there for shelter and counseling for a couple of weeks, and had explained. That such Eleazar, and his wife Carmen were two vampires of English nationality. Samara They told our mother had decided to go to the castle to see the architecture, but unfortunately they had caught feeding. Simultaneously, it had become one more food. Samara did not want me to say who exactly he drank his blood, said it would make me feel worse. I knew that deep down he was right, but I wanted to know so we can have someone to blame. Tried to get the item out of my head, but just get it.
However, the burning in my throat kept me kinda busy. As a condition to stay with them I had imposed a change in my diet. And since then the only thing that had eaten were animals. His blood was dull, bitter, and was not as rich as that of humans. However, the failure to kill people was comforting. Now my eyes were a strange amber color. Something sinister, as it still retained some of his old red tint. And I say, not as nice as the rest. Samara told me I would soon get used to, but I was not very safe.
Not everyone had accepted my arrival in the same way.
Bonnie was the most cheerful and everyone happy. He was always running around everywhere while those pink lips smile with theirs. It was so spontaneous, that more than once startled me with one of his hugs surprise. I was convinced we'd be good friends. Emi
also treated me very kindly. He was always attentive to me and my needs, like my mother. I think she was the most important woman in the whole clan, because everybody's had a great respect.
Elliot was ... just Elliot. In reality he was a child. Their young age is still reflected in their behavior. Did not take anything seriously, and always joking with everyone, although there were people not taking it too well. What
Samara ... Samara say? Despite knowing so little for it was as if we had been together forever. In that week she had already become more than a sister, was my best friend. I just wanted to make my life easier carrying their actions with good intentions. He knew he could tell you everything, and we always knew would understand. He wanted more than I ever could have imagined.
But the rest was another matter. Oliver showed cold and absent. Although his behavior was cut. The respected me and I respected him. Jeremy, however, was more aggressive. Mistrusted me, shunned me and tried to pass me as quickly as he could. Sometimes I growl not come to that, and I was intimidated. And the worst was undoubtedly Erick. He was upset at having him spend less time with his girlfriend, who was always with me. And that made me always look so ugly. His words were cold and empty. Spoke only of the account and I glared. And their hatred towards me senseless hurt. Erick hurt me because I cared more than others, and do not know why.
At that time I was sitting in the living room fireplace. That room had been confident all the secrets that few days before had revealed to me Samara. It was a long time they had all gone. Elliot had gone hunting and had not returned. He was not around. Samara had asked me to wait for me to stay, just in case again. And I was impatient for return. If not I would be nervous and more thirst come. I got up and started walking around the house. First I went into my room. Samara had assigned me. But it was too boring there, I knew by heart. Then an idea came to my mind. Had never entered my sister's room. Mainly because it was also that of Erick, and he had no interest in showing their privacy. But ... were not at home now? In addition, it would take to return. I knew it was wrong, but my curiosity I could, so without a second thought Sometimes I started to walk there.
I opened the door and poked his head first, to make sure that no one was there. And indeed, the room was empty. Slide my body through the crack until I was completely in and then closed the door softly. That room was similar to mine, except for the fact that this was more saturated with things. There were plenty of books and music CDs disordered throughout the bureau, plus some items of clothing that remained scattered across the floor. I approached slowly to the little music player that was in the cluttered furniture and started to browse. Avalue all disks top to bottom, and almost none caught my attention. But then take one with your hands. "One republic." Was a group that I liked before. I read the cover, looking for a worthwhile song, then I saw her. I smiled and without thinking put the disc in the player opening. He made a low hum and seconds later the music began to sound. Stringed instruments, perfectly coordinated announced the arrival of the soloist, who almost immediately began to sing.
I closed my eyes enjoying the music, which for a moment made me forget everything bad that had happened. Even Alec, which fortunately was getting less time in my head. I sighed, trying to find something else to do. Then my foot touched a thing of the ground. Look down and admire the dark shirt wrinkled. Erick was, had been wearing yesterday, and apparently had not deigned to keep in the closet. I felt a bitter feeling in my throat when I thought it might have been Samara which they have been removed, since it would have taken that. But try to hold back, turn the garment with my hands and I approached the closet for storage. I opened the door and lay on a shelf. Then I looked gawk inside the cabinet. In a hanger, hidden in the crowd had a dress clothes. It was very nice, to the point of calling my attention that way. Stretch your hand and picked it up, then wiggled it a few times to stretch it and place it in the bed for more visibility.
was red passion. With tight and quite short, about four inches above the knees. He had a beautiful neckline and a sleek black-tie waist, and are tied in the back. Also had a black lace detail, and that made him look distinguished and elegant. Tilt your head. Yes, I wanted to try it. But ... that was passed, right? I mean, I had entered his room, touching your things and be abused. But fortunately or unfortunately, neither Eric nor Samara were there, and the temptation to try it was too large. Also ... I had endured the temptations enough blood! Let me try it would not do anything wrong. Aspire
aired several times to verify that there was nobody even close. Also tune your ear. Nothing. And the music still playing. Distorting outside noises. Then I began to undress. First came the shoes, pants followed. Both fell to the ground. Then I strip of the shirt company that made the rest of my clothes. Take the dress and I was sliding down my body until he was in the right position, zipped up slowly. Sigh. I was a little big, Samara's body was slim, and also was more developed. I had plenty of material everywhere. But the idea that Samara was prettier than me did not stop me, I approached the mirror hanging on one side of the room and look at my reflection.
And as if to return to my childhood, I started to make bids before this, to see how I was. It was not so bad, I guess. At least it was more beautiful than when she was human. I smiled slightly as I imagined Alec unconsciously by my side. She missed her so much ... and adiaba both at once. How I missed those days where Alec had told me she was very pretty, or where I would have kissed him when he told me everything I wanted. As I missed that lie. This lie had made me feel the happiest person in the world for a while. I shook my head, trying to disperse all those thoughts, he knew that only made me hurt. I heard the sound of footsteps. I was startled and quickly gave him the stop button "for the music player. The sound grew louder, and then I could pick who he was. Erick Erick
... came to her room. Buffet for myself as I regretted the rashness he had decided to commit a few minutes ago.
could not leave without seeing me, that was certain. But much more angry if I was with his girlfriend's clothes. Alarmed, I took hands to the zipper of the dress, which was on the right side of my body. The attempt to slide down, but nothing. The zipper was stuck. God! What would she do now? If you throw too much break, and then find out who was Erick, and I get into trouble. The seconds passed, and felt his footsteps getting closer and closer, until, unable to avoid it, the door opened.
His mouth formed an "O" and his lips tried to say something, unable to make a sound. I froze, trying to cover myself as I could, as if that would make him not see me. We both look absolutely silent, and this is spread over several minutes. Uncomfortable minutes.
- What are you doing here - I asked him, who still stood motionless in the doorway, blocking any escape.
- That ... I ... - I said stunned.
- Your what? - Insisted sharply.
- I was bored and ...
- and decided to enter our room to spy on our intimacy ... - I interrupted.
- No, not ... I ... - answered breathlessly.
- I hope you have a better explanation for all those whining 'said a harsh voice, and that comment hit me like a dagger of pure ice.
- still do not understand why you hate me so much ... What have I done? - Asked, in a fit of anger. And that he does not it funny.
- not change the subject, tell me why you came growled.
- I got in because I was bored and was curious to see my sister's room. Happy? - Prompted angry.
- No, I'm not happy, it happens that your sister's room is also mine. And I do not like anything that come to invade my privacy-recriminations.
- Oh! Please ... do not exaggerate. I have only tried a dress ... - answer annoying.
- And touched my CDs ... - argument as he walked to the dresser and began to rummage through all your music albums.
- If it had been anyone else I had not bothered as much as I did, I replied.
- you is not like they replied, still engrossed in their affairs.
- Yes, that's because you've shown me in a very suggestive, "I said hurt.
And the silence fell again. Lower the gaze. Erick press the "play" to see if there is a disc inside. And indeed, the song "One republic" began to ring again. A few seconds then stopped, and pulled out the CD. Sigh and put it in your box, then watch me again.
- At least you have good taste in music. Do you like One republic? - ask something calmer.
- If ... - I whispered, not knowing whether to show more lively.
- Me too ... "Secrets" is the song that I like, and then there is the "Apologize" ... - answered and his voice was more cordial than they had ever heard. However, I did not want to be friendly with him.
- True ... - I was my only answer. Wheezing, upset, and leave the CD in place. Then turn and I see myself again. I was really embarrassed.
- Now that you have answered, could you tell me once you've done to treat me like that? - I begged, and his face just reflects confusion. I do not think he himself knew.
- I've done nothing, "said firm.
- So? - \u200b\u200bAsk.
- just do not like, "I say, his words hurt me more than I could have imagined.
At that point my legs began to loose, and felt like I was slowly weakening. My strength left me before impending sadness that had caught me by surprise. Could not help me drop into the bed and pressed her hands tightly, as he closed his eyes.
- Who can blame you? No one likes me ... - muttered, more to myself than for Erick. However, it does take the hint. Way to me and sat down beside me. It takes several minutes to speak.
- That's not true ... - whisper.
- Yes it is ... people hate me for no reason. Play with me ... because they do not care about anything, "I said, and looked into his eyes. Hers were bright, and at that time just seemed to feel pity,
- Do not think so. Samara likes you, "he added.
- I know ... - answer with a whisper, - But as always happens faileth me losing it to her ... and staying with people I do not really want.
- Hey ... no offense, but I think you're exaggerating, "he said.
- no exaggeration. When was human my life was perfect. Chloe was my best friend, my father treated me very well and had to Gio. The loved me, gave me everything I asked with a smile. I was happy. But I wanted more, and then I went with Alec, leaving the people I most appreciated. And finally Alec betrayed me to the person who transformed me, and I had to escape suffering by someone worthwhile. I hurt people I cared about, and that I will never forgive me. So I deserve everything that happens to me. Not appreciate the people, and perhaps that why you do not like, clenched fists, and then I became aware that he had told my story without meaning.
- why not just ... could not ... avoid blame for how much he has suffered Samara.
- Ya ... - I whispered.
- I did not know you ... you know, you had spent so many horrible things. I thought I would have had a perfectly happy life at the expense of the unhappiness of your sister ... - answered.
- Not so for nothing. I think my life has been even harder than hers. But who cares ... right? At heart I ask you not understand me. Can not understand ... - melancholy sigh.
- Maybe you understand better than you think. My life has not been easy to say, "said sighing. The conversation I was being nice.
- Why do you say that? - ask.
- Veras ... I think it all boils down to that my father was a drunk. I lost my temper from time to time and ... we beat my mother and me ... - he said, and what you look horrified.
- Sorry ... - was all he could say.
- Nothing happens at the end of the tube ... he deserves ... but this will take the life my mother said, her voice was sad.
- I do not know what to say ... - I whispered, - only it's a shame that life is so hard for people.
- I know ... hey ... - answered, while I was already getting up the hint.
- Yes?
- I'm sorry I tried and did not know ... that .... Well. Sorry. I promise from now on I will be kind to you, Angela, "I say gently.
smiled. Such treatment made me really happy. It was wonderful to know that in the end its hostile treatment had ended.
- Never mind. This forgotten, "answered with a smile, and he corresponded.
- You better take off the dress ... the other will come soon-argument as the two got up.
- It is a small problem ... ... - I said, sighing, and he smiled.
- Quiet ... out of here. Will not have to change in front of me, "he added, making the threat of exit, but take it for the arm and unemployment, confused.
- not that ... the zipper is stuck "I said with a wry smile.
- Can not download it? - Question about me.
- No ... - I whispered.
- emmm ... let me try my "added a little stunned.
- Thank you to answer.
- You're welcome ...
and approached me. Lift the arm for better handling, and soon noticed his hands on my hip. Erick began to struggle with the zipper, cursing and trying not to hurt me with the force exerted. And I felt so embarrassed before close. If it had been human without a doubt I would have blushed. And I think in my face and reflected my shame. After almost a minute of struggle, (really nice for me) the zipper gave way and slid across its surface. So fast that I did not have time to react, and Erick I saw a part of my underwear. Instinctively I covered my right away, embarrassed. Look down and cleared his throat, while Erick was biting her lip and stepped back completely out of control, while the easy slam, and some CDs and books fell.
He knelt down and began to pick them nervous. And I went to Eric for help. I was very careful to cover myself when I bend it and imitate it, putting the CDs on your shelf. The forward was limited, sign homework, watching all the time on the floor. When we finished he raised his head, preparing to rise. But they run into the mine, since I was about to do the same as him. I looked, and felt his breath on my face. I shrugged, feeling a kind of bewilderment overwhelmed me. But neither he nor I moved ... I liked the closeness, but what about him? Why is increasingly closer to me?, Why every time their eyes, they were stuck in mine, looked at me that way so ... seductive? So none of them were preventable. It is steel and kissed me. It was a wonderful thing. I felt her lips on mine, and as they moved ... it was a mixture between Gio and Alec ... the perfect balance. Slowly we were lifting, as well as the intensity of the kiss. When we were standing at all, his hands encircled my hips and rocked me in his arms, while I, with one hand clutching her neck and hair, and the other, pressing his strong torso. The kisses were becoming more enthusiastic, and also their nimble hands moving through my body. They even get slowly through the crack in the rack, and I could feel her soft hands all over my back. Without realizing it we were going to the wall, once there, I hit her and pressed his body against mine, while his lips slid across my throat and then return to my mouth. My impulse to hands to put my legs around his waist, and I did. We were getting carried away with all that passion. It was a very passionate kiss ... great ... but ... Samara ...
- No ... - I said, separated from him, but their kisses do not stop.
- Angela ... "he whispered in my ear, giving me a little kiss there.
- Erick ... No ... we can not do that. Samara ... - argue, but he seemed unwilling to stop. I did not want to do it, but I could not betray that. It was my sister. If you did that I would like a Alessia. And I hated Alessia. I could not hate myself, right?
- Forget Samara ... please ... - he said with a weak voice and breath. Made his head back and looked me in the eyes. He looked like a sad puppy. Supplicant.
- Erick ... she's your girlfriend, and my sister ... can not do this ... - argue, but every time that dedición became more stupid.
- No matter ... Angela ... please ... - he said. And that look in his eyes amber was enough to feel and kiss him again.
The satisfaction chuckled and grabbed me stronger, while his lips returned to play with mine. Then he heard a distant voice did we parted quickly.
- Erick! We meet Elliot was screaming and Samara.
Then I let go of the embrace of Eric began to swarm around the room nervously. Shit! What we do now?
- Samara coming ... - said Erick worried, as if it were not obvious.
- I know ... What we do - ask hysterical. But he did seem to have a plan.
- Put on your clothes and go down the window, "he suggested.
- What? Do not give it time ... - desperate whisper.
- You just do it! - He said as I pulled my own clothes.
Forget my shame and my modesty, and I take off my clothes as fast as I could. I got the shirt and pants, and finally the shoes. Erick nervous watching me, and to fuss with their hands for me to hurry. Finally, when at last she was dressed, I hedge out the window, followed by him. Erick opened it and told me to come out soon.
- Angela Run ... - I urgently.
- Yes .... I'm coming ... - answer as I passed my legs over the sill, until he was sitting there, ready to jump.
- I love you ... - he whispered audibly, and I froze. I could not believe what I just said. And then gave me a small kiss on the lips authorities insist and make me jump.
When my feet touched the ground heard the bedroom door opened, and again the music playing. Erick probably had to Samara could not listen to easily. I stood there, praying that Samara did not suspect anything. Listen to the click-
the lips when the two of them kissed. And that annoyed me. After talking to her voice Samara usually singing.
- Hi Sky ... - whispered, then giggled, - Why have my dress on your hands?
- emmm ... I ... - Erick whisper, trying to find some explanation.
- What? - Samara replied seductive tone - What want to play?
- That ... - he said he confused, but then listen as the two fell to the bed, and as this bay by the force of impact.
- Do not be silly ... "she whispered softly.
- No, I did not ... - I said Erick pressed.
- Relax ... love, I'll get that dress for you another day, right?
Then there was an awkward silence. I mean authentic silent seconds of agony for me.
- Sure ... - the boy finally answered. After only hear the rustling of a T-shirt and many groans to tear jerky.
closed my eyes and started walking up the front door of the house. I wanted to get away from there as possible. How could he have imagined that I really care about anything? It was absurd. All that had happened was due to the heater that Erick had at the time, or perhaps adrenaline stress that almost Samara get caught together. How could I have to believe in a "I love you" in a man? Even if only for a few seconds. They were just words, stupid words without meaning. Because words are hollow, are uncertain. They are the wind, and with them it takes all the joy they have brought with them. False words.
Never trust the words, just the facts I repeated over and over again, but that made me feel better. Now Samara and Erick were making love ... and as always gave me aside. Maybe at the bottom is best. Samara would betray me have done to lose my mental health. So ... why was so eager to mourn? I did not.
And as he entered the house, my heart was a pain that fueled a long time since suffering. And what I did not know is that this pain will soon be multiplied so unimaginable.

**************************** Hola!
Happy New Year! (Although it is late). XD
I really hope it finds you liked it, my imagination is not exactly "desvordante" at this time.
To read the chap. I would recommend listening the song of Secrets, One republic. Or else while you do something else. The song is very nice, especially if you understand what you say. XD Here is the link:

And another little thing ... really appreciate it leave me comments. You are my strong support and make me feel good. But I would also like to know the opinion of readers who never comment. Do not kill me ... but by this time (I promise that just this once, will not be much later), I would like to dejaseis least 15 reviews . I know ... much, but you are more than 70 followers who do not have google account. I see hundreds of views and 5 comments, and I get depressed because they do not know if I'm doing really well.
I hope you understand ... thank you very much for reading, really. =) Besos

Paula ♥!
Glitter Words
[ - * Glitter Words *]