Sunday, January 23, 2011

Inspiron 1525 Drivers Sd

Angela Pire:
She looked frightened, and key my eyes on these two. Alec was on my right, seemed to be making a superhuman effort to pretend that he was calm, though his eyes betrayed her nervousness about the sentía. Erick, por el contrario, se encontraba a mi izquierda. Se frotaba las manos con fuerza, y sus ojos miraban de un lado a otro sin parar. Porque a él le daba igual si Alec notaba que estaba nervioso. No le importaba mostrar lo que sentía.
Me di cuenta de ellos eran completamente contrarios en ese tema. Uno tan extrovertido y el otro tan reservado. Pero pensando un poco más, fui consciente de que esa no era su única diferencia. Eran simplemente opuestos, y cada uno tremendamente encantador a su manera. Alec era tierno, frio, sagaz, y muy inteligente. Y Erick era muy pasional, impulsivo, divertido, y muy cariñoso. Si se fusionaran en uno solo lograrían hacer el chico perfecto, con el equilibrio idóneo en absolutamente everything. But unfortunately for me, Alec and Eric were two different people, two people who now suffer because I was not able to make a decision.
I closed my eyes as she inhaled a deep breath, hoping that he could soothe my mind. What would I do? I loved my two ... Alec ... and Erick. But they were both so very perfect! Although Alec had done much harm me ... but then he traveled around the world to explain himself, and looked completely unrepentant. And Erick, I had lost my sister, yes, but I was comforted and understood when no one else had done. Both were equally important for me, it was so hard for me to say or do something he knew would hurt any of them both. Alec chose Yes, lost to Eric, and vice versa. And I could never forgive me. Never.
Then I stood up. Should accept this, it was my responsibility.
- I want to be alone ... - muttered, softly.
- Angela, please. I need to know ... - Alec mumbled, and for the first time in my life, listen to your voice with an uncertain tone.
- Angela, do not listen. After everything you did, you can not trust ...
- This is not your business, - Erick interrupted Alec, - I told the whole truth, and you may want me back.
- She does not want that, "said Erick.
- That you do not know, would he have given a chance to say? - Alec scathing wonder, then relax and turned his gaze to me.
- is that ... I do not know, "I said simply.
- Angela, remember everything you have done. Everything you spent, you can not forget that. You know I love you, you know you could never anyone in front of you. Please tell me you stay with me ... - I beg Erick.
And every time I felt worse due to my lack of ability to make decisions. He knew who he wanted in the background, but no words came out of my mouth. I was afraid to hurt him, because he was someone I wanted to much.
- is what I did, Erick. I know it was horrible, and it was a scoundrel. But try to hate him remembering things past is not good, "I said. And Erick
under the eyes, absorbing and capturing what you just said.
- You're right, "said sorry - but you know that I just want the best for you. You know how much I care, and accept your decision.
- I also ... - Alec commented, - accept what I say without replicas.
Snort. Why the two had to be so stupidly charming now that I just wanted to clarify things?
- I ... - stutter, knowing what would mark my life forever - I think
But that ... I was not able to say it out loud. I sighed heavily and walked looking down until it reaches him. Surround him with arms and support my forehead on his chest. I did not want to see the reaction of Alec. Eric noticed her arms around me, squeezing me tight and loose and sigh of relief.
The minutes passed.
not know why he had done. Know the reason why Erick had caught. But it was something he had learned of a sudden. This might be more reserved and cautious and not let things that I had damaged the recurrence. Although this did not mean his feelings for Alec had changed the least. She was convinced that hurt me more than my hurt him my decision. But the best thing for me at least. For once in my life would be selfish, and I never regret it. Because the decision was made, and there was no way to step back. Erick
I left to look at Alec, and then I froze.
Her features were tense, and his mouth into a circle print what he said. Her fists clenched, staring. I cracked open the lips, but my words will not come out until a few seconds later.
- Alec ... I'm so sorry, "he murmured, and he turned his eyes suddenly dark, till drilled mine.
I shrunk.
- No ... I said I accept your decision. And as much as it hurts, you've chosen him. Do not blame you ... actually, you did the sensible thing. I love you but, I want you happy, and apparently, Erick is the only one who can offer that. I hope you are very happy Angela. I'm sorry I caused so much harm in the past, but never ever been on purpose. All the best ... - Alec said, and I was stunned.
Never in my life seen him talk like that. Her voice could not be described, it was just the most eco of spiritual pain. And every word was killing me with that tone. He was doing much damage, and then all, did not deserve it.
- No ... Alec, you ... - try to whisper, while a riot of thoughts and a slight feeling of regret my mind.
- Goodbye, Alec whispered, before turning around and getting lost among the trees. Going off like a gentleman, you know pull out in time.
I felt a lump in the throat, which prevented me from answering. Although I do not think it was too important. Alec was gone forever. Erick
Look into his eyes, and I could see glistening with a mixture of relief and resentment. After all, Alec had behaved well. I sighed heavily and swallow saliva. Why doing the right thing made me feel so wrong?
- it's all over ... - Eric whispered as I stroked her cheek with his fingers.
- I feel sick "I said, and he gave me a kiss on the forehead.
- I know ... but be quiet. He'll be fine, and we.
I clenched my fists and closed my eyes while listening whenever Alec steps away more quickly. Alec Volturi
My mind was in complete shock. Was unable to process or believe anything he had to spend a few minutes before the clearing. Was this real? Angela had left with another. I had forgiven him, but had found another person who would give everything I wanted give, and that made me writhe in pain and envy. Was not that what you wanted from the beginning, how to be happy? Yes of course. But me!
I would have loved to stay longer with her, but to leave had been the best. I would not have been able to hold my pain and my anger much more, and went off. Everything would have ended in a fight aggressively, and Erick could not have been just the only one hurt. Angela. My little angel. I had left.
It hurt to lose, yeah, a lot. More than anything in my life. But he must accept the consequences of my actions. I needed it back, but my brain prevented my heart to continue this momentum. I will never forgive her to suffer again for something caused by me.
The same vacuum and the same cold that had flooded my heart forever, until the known, flooded my heart again. Nothing made sense without it. This did not deserve to be cursed existence there. Sigh. I wanted to die! All
again be as before. The Alec empty, dry and unscrupulous had returned. Psychoanalgesia that my feelings would be the only thing I would be able to cope, rather endure their loss. Alec Volturi
had returned, and Angela, just be a blur most in its history, try self-convinced. While, under every This, he knew perfectly well that Angela would forget a mission impossible, especially given my current mental chaotic stake.

[...] Nearby, in a white-walled house, all family members were gathered in a small room with a fireplace that reflects heat around the room ...
- I can not believe ... more I try, I can not accept it ... - sob the girl with dark hair, which at that time was still resting on the lap of EMI.
All those gathered sighed. None of them understood and believed that was what was happening. What Samara had told them not had neither head nor tail. Moreover, some doubted whether it was nothing more than a troll. But after seeing her sobbing, consumed by grief, were aware that there was nothing funny, and even less of a joke.
- Quiet baby ... - Emi said, while stroking her hair, - We are here.
- do not understand. How could that happen? - Asked Oliver. Samara
gave a sharp yelp before answering.
- do not know. Volturi that told me he had seen Eric and me ... - but his voice was cut off suddenly. Thought more in her response, and continued coldly, - Angela ... Erick and Angela kissing in the woods. After all the pieces fell into place. Both admitted that they were seeing in secret, and ... I lost my nerve. When you try to attack her, for revenge, Alec and Eric got in the middle. After I left there, and now everyone has gone home.
- Still ... the reasons are unclear. Why did? - Elliot questioned.
- And I know! - Cry Samara - They're traitors. Both! After what I did for them, they had no right to deceive.
- They had to face, "agreed Jeremy, seriously.
- Yes, "said Bonnie, who seemed the most surprised.
- I told you we could not trust them, "added Jeremy, his voice hard, looking to the clan leader, - I told that girl killer was not good for our group, yet accepted it. Look what we got! Which was a member of the clan and also shred our beloved Samara.
- I understand what you say, Jeremy, however, Erick was aware and participate in the decision to cheat Samara. He was someone we trusted. Not all the blame has been that girl, "said Oliver. He was not willing to bear all the blame for her niece had been betrayed.
- Do not defend! - Cry Samara, standing up.
- Quiet ... - whisper EMI.
- Sorry, niece. But we can not do otherwise.
- I kill! Sure are still around here ... - mumbled, cold.
- Do not say crap, "said Oliver, - We will not kill anyone. Are free to leave if they wish.
- Although they have not done that? - Asked Jeremy.
- Yes, "replied the leader, flatly.
Samara's eyes narrowed. Even now he could not, one day carry out his revenge. Was clear that things would not be so. It would take away the facade of good girl and make them pass the hell they were doing live. Iban to know the authentic Samara Pire. Moreover, he knew how. There was something that only she knew about Eric. Something that could change everything. Something that would make Angela never saw him again as usual. And I was convinced that someday it would use that knowledge. Someday.
[...] Angela

had already spent almost an hour since Alec was gone. Erick had been hugging me since then, without moving an inch. Still so as not to disturb my peace. Had passed through my head a host of things. Most related to Alec, but also with my future. He was aware that we could not return home to the Pire. What do we do? Where do we go? A feeling of insecurity and Fear swept over me completely. Sob.
- What can we do, Erick ?...- ask, and he approached even closer to him.
- I do not know ... - answered.
And that made me feel any safer.
- Oh ... - was my answer.
- Clearly we can not return ... - commented, while looking for a solution - and I do not think we are welcome in this land. You'd better fencing us here, as far as possible.
- Where? - Ask.
- North-hesitant reply, - In a deserted place or a little sunshine in Canada and the United States. Back to Europe is not advisable-wise than by Alec said, - and Asia and Oceania are far.
- What do we do when we get there? - Argue.
- just live ... - whisper, with a wry smile on his lips.
- You're right. We must leave now.
- Yes, the sooner the better, "he said - I do not think Pire come for us, but better safe than sorry.
- Yes, "answered nodding.
And we both lost among the trees. Without knowing where we were or we were going to do. Together. That was all we had after all. To each other.

ran throughout that night and the next day, and only halted when night had fallen. We were too slow and that we should not draw attention, and we had only managed to reach the lower border of Mexico. Moreover, it had to add the rest to recharge forces with animal blood.
I did not understand too well the English, and it was Eric who was in charge of communicating with the people there.
certain point, when Erick and I were walking quickly through a crowded city, it stopped, took my hands and I look into your eyes.
- How about if we rest somewhere? - Wonder.
- Are you tired? - I missed, and denied smiling.
- No, of course not. But I thought that maybe ... you like to take a shower and off for a while.
- Yes! - Answered more animated. That if it was a good plan.
- I knew you'd want, "I say radiant.
- Come on ... I replied in a whisper.
then both walked to a hotel. The clerk looked at us while Erick was responsible for booking the room. From her perspective this human, if that was unheard of to see two young men renting a suit. But do not give importance.
Minutes later we went to the room. Eric opened the door with the small key and they entered. It was a modest room, that only possessed the necessary amenities, but it was still enough for both. Cerré la puerta tras de mí y entonces nos quedamos en silencio. Segundos después, Erick se giro para verme.
- ¿Entras tu primero al baño?- pregunto educadamente.
- No, mejor entra tú. Prefiero descansar un rato primero…- respondí, señalando la estantería de libros variados que había en un rincón.
- ¿Estas segura? No me importa esperar- reprendió de nuevo.
- No claro que no. Entre tu.
- Está bien- respondió con una pequeña sonrisa.
Yo camine hasta la cama y me senté en la esquina. Mientras, Erick entro en el baño y encendió el grifo. Escuche el agua bajar relajadamente y me arrepentí de haberle cedido el primer turno. Salió Bathroom and without notice, began to get the shirt, until the entire suit had gone through his neck, then shot one of the sofas.
enbobada stay I could not help looking at him a few seconds. Sumamanete Erick was so handsome. Unfortunately, when I wanted to hide, it was too late. Erick had caught me watching him and had a mischievous smile etched on his face.
cleared his throat and watch the ground, trying to do that I had not noticed. Although of course, that does not avail me.
- What looked, Angela? - Ask the fun.
- emmm ... me ... Nothing repondi, looking up into his face directly.
- As Good ... - repondio him and stepped toward me. And again, it was able to avoid spending all my eyes for its body .- I think if you looked something.
- What if?, "What?" - Asked, pulling up and giving the face without help but smile.
- I looked at myself because I have removed the shirt, "replied, laughing.
- Lie.
- Truth.
- Lie.
- Truth.
Both laugh. He moved closer and placed his hands on my waist, then smiled and pulled me closer to him in his arms. And I will cut my breath.
- admits that watching me because I had no shirt, "he demanded.
- Never.
- do not - ask.
- No-answer.
- Then I'll oblige ...
- What? - Asked alarmed.
- to be bad ... - responded with malice, and gave me a kiss after another on the cheek.
- I still say I was not looking ...
- Angela, "he gasped as her lips were pressed on my face.
- No! - Scream.
- Okay, you asked "I say.
left me with great agility and grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it up quickly. I had time to react, and when next thing I knew, I was in the same situation as him. Bare-chested, with the exception of the fastener.
- Hey - reproach, covering me with hands.
- I told you it would be bad ... - muttered, and again closer to him.
His hands traveled all over my back and made me smile.
- I thought you were going to shower? - Whispered, placing my hands on your abs.
- Well ... is that showering is boring.
- clear already replied.
- Why do not you take a shower with me? - Wonder rogue.
- What? - Answered surprised and pleased.
- You know ... to kill two paid with one stone, save water ... - he said, but it silenced when my lips pressed hers.
I took my mouth to his ear.
- O to make love ... - I whispered, and felt a chill.
- Also, "I said laughing.
And I will not respond again, because he started kissing me fiercely. Continued to do until we get to the bathroom. The steam formed by water had tarnished the crystals and that the environment was too full of heat. It was for this reason that the rest of our clothing was not long before reaching the ground.
With a bit of awkwardness, we both got into the shower, naked, and the water I soak the whole body. Eric's kisses were even better in the water, and the feeling of his hands over my body, accompanied by hot water multiply the pleasure.
Then the two embraced, we show what we wanted at that time. With no one else. Only Eric and me. Forever.

**************************** Hola!
know it is a cap. Contite, but did not give me more time.
XD Hope you like lies, I was not sure how.
and are not paid attention to the survey, but ... ALL THE TIME! =) Leave comments
seriously, encouraged me a lot ... yes? ^ ^
The more is, but continuous climb. Or maybe years of the odd surprise ... jijiji Be good!
Thanks for reading!
♥ PS: I remember that on January 26th is the birthday of Cameron Bright, our dear Alec. And also is my saint's day! Santa Paula! =)
Glitter Words
[ - * Glitter Words *]


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