Saturday, May 2, 2009

Bottomless Girdles Models

Chapter III "question time"

were in my room a fun and cute while, until my dad came to tell us that we had Grandma Esme act of eating. I was so excited that I was not hungry.
When we were down, Jake and I were holding hands, and could feel the glare of my father, I did not care.
"Hi, baby. Are you hungry? - I asked my aunt Rosalie upon entering the kitchen.
"A little.
- Would you like salad or soup, anyway?
-Salad, aunt, please.
- Do you, Jacob? - Asked suspiciously.
"Anything is fine, thank you .- despite the attitude of my aunt, Jacob responded with a beautiful smile. Jake served
all, his appetite was like 6 people together. When Jacob finished
eating, my dad asked him to go with him to the room to talk, I was sure that the conversation would be about me. And of course, although it was not with them, could hear the kitchen. Edward
"Tell me, what happens? - Asked Jacob to enter the room.
"Well, I guess you know what I want to talk, right?
"I have an idea, but ... I'm not sure," Jake heard a voice a little nervous. Renesmee
"It's about ... - the serious voice of my father made me shudder.
Jake said nothing, and my dad continued ...
"I know, Jacob, that your mark is important and not decided, but I'ma bit worried about her.
-No because you, Edward, Nessie I respect very much and know I have not seen as ...
"I know," interrupted my father is 15 years old but it may seem, 17, is still my baby. I feel that, while no longer the same as when he was a child.
"Of course I do not see as before, grew. She is beautiful, "blushed, even though it was not in front of Jake, which he said made me feel dragonflies in my stomach - but for me the only thing that matters is what they want and what makes her happy, do not mean anything she wants. Just do
-Jacob, to take care of her and not hurt her.
"After what happened, I never want to go back to her mourn.
-Gracias. my father said with relief in his voice.
Jake turned me into the kitchen and when I finished eating I asked to give a walk through the woods because I had something to say, with a little smile on his face convinced me.
When we left the forest, we walked a long way without speaking, so I was nervous, so I broke the silence.
- What did you want to talk, Jake? - My voice trembled
"Well, Ness. I wanted to ask you something ...
-Spit-tried to look intrigued and excited to know, but the truth is that the expression of Jacob made me feel very strange.
"Here goes ... - closed his eyes, I took her hand and put me in front of him .- What do you feel about me? - I asked him with a cold voice.
"I told you, Jake. You are the most important ...
"No," he interrupted Ness. I know that, physically I mean ... "His voice choked and I felt heat on my cheeks, his question was somewhat difficult to answer, well, embarrassing.
"Oh ... well. The truth is that I feel something strong for you, Jake. You know I love you all-I never dared to say "I love you" was something new for me, and physically ... not that you are not handsome, rather it is just that-put his finger on my lips; of again había empezado a alardear cosas que no venían al caso.
-Ness, directo al punto por favor.
-Eres muy lindo… pero… la verdad es que…- tome aire- con… tener un beso tuyo… me basta… no quiero… nada más- mi voz se entrecortaba por la vergüenza y seguro mis mejillas estaban más rojas que antes.
-Ah… gracias.-dijo con un gesto de alivio.
Bajé la mirada.
-¿Por qué lo preguntas, Jake?
-Es que, yo le dije a tu padre, que lo único que me interesaba era lo que tú desearas, y me preocupaba que Edward tuviera razones para estar preocupado, que tonto suena eso.-la última parte, apenas la escuché, fue como si estuviese talking to himself.
"Oh," smiled slightly. He cared about what I wanted, not what my dad would allow.
-I love you, Ness. But I would like to challenge Edward.
finally looked up. I got lost in his eyes, as usual.
walk again in silence, this time, holding hands. It was a wonderful walk, the smell of wood, mud and the leaves under my sneakers [[converse obvious]], the heat of Jake with me, everything was perfect.
started raining and I did not mind the water in my hair or my clothes, although I knew that Alice would be furious by the disaster it would be. I loved listening to the rain fall, I liked I feel the drops.
I stopped, closed my eyes, I raised my arms as though he were watching the sky, got the rain on my face.
Suddenly, I felt like someone hugged me from behind. I opened my eyes, Jake, who else could it be? He stared at me and kissed me on the forehead.
"We must return, your mom is going to get hysterical ...
" Yes, "replied with a smile.
On the way back, we were not talking. I had no words, and he seemed to have fallen silent after that awkward question. And when we were very close to reaching the house came to my mind a doubt, a very strange question ...
- And you, Jake? - Why am I interested? ... I do not know. But I wanted to know.
- Huh? "Frete we stopped one another.
- What do you feel about me ... ... physically?

Well had said he would publish each week, but due to request hahaha here I have a little more often. I hope you've enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned the next,
thanks = D Comment if ??... x0x0
* Tanya *


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